Carry the Fire — Surviving in a World Lain Waste

You must somehow find your place amidst colossal problems which the world’s elite appear incapable of solving.

Dylan Armstrong
4 min readSep 21, 2020
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

You have been quarantined. You have been impoverished. You have been begged, cajoled, shamed into doing things for others’ safety. You have even been made to know fear. Governments, worldwide, are either overwhelmed by the public health crisis, or injustice, or unrest, or the financial suffering of the population. Events converged to strike governments at the weakest points in their safety nets and commerce.

We Want an End to The Pain, But It’s Only Beginning.

Seven months in, many believed that the pandemic would have closed by now. Partisans suggest that this time of troubles will abate once their candidate wins the Presidency in November. I understand that desire. Everyone wants a recovery, and normalcy, and an end to the pain.

But a complete recovery is not coming, soon, perhaps for years. So the American people, like peoples worldover, are experiencing the very beginning of sufferings that have not been visited on the majority of the population since my grandparents’ lifetimes.



Dylan Armstrong

Hawaii-based urban planner. 🌄 Conservationist. 🌱 Former COVID-19 Planning and Operations Deputy Chief for the State of Hawaiʻi. 🏥 Data visualizer. 🖥